FI Electric Company Proposed Electric Tariff Revisions

The Fishers Island Electric Company published a legal notice in The Suffolk Times on July 27, 2023, referencing a change in rates that might affect anyone interested in putting solar on their properties on Fishers Island. The ICB shares information on this filing here.

Matter/Case Title: Tariff Filing by Fishers Island Electric Corporation to Modify Its Electric Tariff Schedule, P.S.C. No. 2, to include Rules and Regulations Governing the Purchase of Renewable Energy from New Distributed Generators.

The Suffolk Times classified published on July 27, 2023

The Fishers Island Electric Corporation

Case 23-E-0394


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the The Fishers Island Electric Corporation (“FIEC”) that on July 17, 2023, it issued and filed with the New York State Public Service Commission (“Commission”) Tariff leaves to amend its Schedule for Electric Service, P.S.C. No. 2, Electricity to become effective December 1, 2023Changes in the Tariff leaves are proposed as follows:

Service Classification Nos. 1, 2, 5, and 7: Residential and Non- Residential Customers:

  • New provisions to govern the rules for interconnection of distributed generation to FIEC’s system by residential and non-residential customers who receive service under Service Classification Nos. 1, 2, 5, and 7 and who own or operate electric generating equipment located and used at their premises.
  • The program will be available to qualifying customers on a first-come, first-served basis until total rated generating capacity for electric generating equipment owned or operated by customers in FIEC’s service territory is equivalent to 30 kilowatts (“KW”).

The proposed Tariff is available via the internet on the Department of Public Service’s (“DPS”) Document and Matter Management (“DMM”) system under Case 23-E-0394 ( e-0394&CaseSearch=Search)Questions or comments may be addressed to FIEC at (631) 788- 7251 or 161 Oriental Avenue, P.O. Box 604, Fishers Island, New York 06390; or by posting a comment to [NYSDPS]

New York State Department of Public Service

Find FIEC tariff filing letter, application, and public comment links

Company/Organization: Fishers Island Electric Corporation
Matter #: 23-01526
Case #: 23-E-0394
Link to Documents: NYSDPS

Find FIEC tariff filing letter, application, and public comment links:

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Fishers Island Evernet2 Fiber

Fishers Island Telephone Company (FITC) has installed and migrated from copper to the new fiber, a group of first adopters in the Fishers Island Central Office (FICO) South Area; see map below. These subscribers are now experiencing significant improvement in their internet connections with speeds of up to 500Mb.  As we migrate these subscribers from their legacy copper connection to the Fiber, we are removing the aging copper cables to these initial subscribers. Once they are cut over to fiber, we are hearing from subscribers, “… the crackling noise is gone, and my calls are much clearer…”  We still have work to do in the area to enable those that have shown interest to jump onto the EverNet 2 Fiber links. Reliable high-speed internet and clear telephone are now available to interested customers located in the FICO South area. Sign up with your interest today at

The remaining 8 Fiber Serving Area’s (FSA) to be built are targeted to be completed in a coordinated build plan by the Spring of 2027.  For your information, below is a map of our FSA’s:

We are analyzing the next FSA to commence deploying the fiber infrastructure this fall.

Below are our Fiber bandwidth options being offered – all are 12-month service contracts only. 
Telephone service and Fishers Island Long Distance are separate products and are not included in the FTTH Product.

100 MBPS
250 MBPS 
500 MBPS 

If there are any questions, please email the Evernet team at

161 Oriental Ave
PO Box 604
Fishers Island, NY  06390
Office: 631-788-7001   Fax: 631-788-7999

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Fishers Island Long Distance Calling

After our posting in the July Foghorn, we have had good success in helping subscribers save on their National and International Long Distance bills.  

It is quick and easy to switch, and our team can assist you in making this cost-saving change.  If you are already a Fishers Island Long Distance subscriber, you are already experiencing the savings, and we thank you for your subscription.  If you are not sure which long-distance plan you have, give us a call, and we can help you identify your Long Distance Carrier.  

Fishers Island Telephone offers a National Plan to help lower your long-distance bill with an offering of $17.00 per month.  This special offer provides you with the first 500 minutes of calls for free, and then after the 500 minutes the cost is only 3 cents a minute!  You will also notice an improvement in the quality of the call as Fishers Island Long Distance utilizes state-of-the-art technology to complete your call.  Our International Plan is only an additional $3.00 per month and the per-minute rates can be as low as 3 cents a minute depending on the country you are calling.  

If you are an AT&T Long Distance subscriber, you may want to compare your AT&T bill and review the cost per minute for making calls off the island, which are long-distance calls.  By switching, you will be surprised at how much money you will save! 

If you have any questions about the program or would like to make the change, give us a call at the telephone office (631) 788-7001 x4 or send an e-Mail to  

Telephone Co. Logo Phone logo

161 Oriental Ave
PO Box 604
Fishers Island, NY  06390
Office: 631-788-7001   
Fax: 631-788-7999

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911 Emergency Services Upgrade

Fishers Island Telephone, Chief Flatley of the Southold Police Department, and Michael Postel the communications director for 911 in Suffolk County have been working together these past 18 months to develop an improved 911 emergency services access. The current system connected through antiquated AT&T network equipment installed in the 90’s has experienced decades of connectivity issues on the route between Fishers Island and the Southold Public Service Answer Point (PSAP).  Making this state-of-the-art upgrade to the network will increase the number of available circuits from one (1) to twenty (20).  We don’t anticipate 20 simultaneous 911 calls but, we are now ready to accommodate more than one.  Finally, the new solution is to be implemented in July.  

The importance of having reliable 911 emergency services is paramount for our community.  

Please note that if you are calling 911 from a Cellular Phone, the call will be routed over the Cellular Network and not through the Fishers Island Telephone Network.  This upgrade applies only to your local telephone service.  

An additional Enhancement to 911 service is described below: 

There is a new program called SMART911 for residents to identify key information about members of your household that would help anyone you care for in the event of an emergency whether the call to 911 is from the home or any mobile phone. You can register information that enables first responders to have visual details on an emergency location and provides information on access points like hidden driveways or gate codes. You can also provide critical medical conditions of members of your household that may need special attention to prepare first responders before they arrive.  You can also add information such as your vehicles, pets, and service animals, along with any special notes that you would want responders to know.

Your Safety Profile is Free, Private, and Secure. There is also an App for mobile phones as well.

Check for more information and registration at or on the App

If there are any questions regarding these upgraded services, please contact the Telephone Office either via email ( or by calling 1 (631) 788-7001 x4.

Thank you for your support of the Fishers Island Telephone Company.

Steve Head
Telecom Superintendent
Fishers Island Telephone Company
1 (631) 788-7001 x4

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AT&T Long Distance Troubles

There is an issue with Long Distance calls from Fishers Island subscribers completing some long distance calls using the AT&T Long Distance Network.  Subscribers signed up and receive their bills directly from AT&T, customers need to contact AT&T Customer Service at 1-800-288-2020, with your account number ready, and open a trouble ticket. 

Calls are being sent from Fishers Island Telephone’s network into AT&T’s network and are being received into their network. Unfortunately, FITC cannot open tickets for AT&T Long Distance Subscribers.

If you have any questions, please contact 1-631-788-7001 extension 4.

Steve Head
Telecom Superintendent
Fishers Island Telephone Company

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2023-2024 Telephone Directory

2023-2024 Telephone Directory

Your copies are ready!

The 2023-2024 phonebooks are now available at the Utility Office

They are available this year for pick up outside of the Utility Office on the table or by coming in.
Just knock on the 1st floor office door during business hours.
Monday-Friday 8:00 – 3:30

Please take ONLY the quantity needed.

This Year’s Cover
Fishers Island Yacht Club hosted the Bullseye and IOD Worlds in the fall of 2022. The cover photo by Steve Head captures three IODs (International One Designs) vying for the best position in a close race during race week.

2023-2024 Phonebook Cover. Photo by Jane T Ahrens

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FI Electric Corp.: Update on Electric Network Modernization

Fishers Island Electric Corporation

Update on Electric Network Modernization

November 29, 2022
By Tom Siebens, Director

AMI & Engineering Study

Fishers Island Electric Corporation plans to install automated metering infrastructure (“AMI”) over this coming winter.  The 700 electric meters on the island will be replaced with new meters that will allow system-wide data collection, remotely, to monitor, analyze and more efficiently manage power flows.

The Company’s plans for the AMI system were recently approved by the New York State Public Service Commission after a petition process that took over a year.

AMI is an essential first step toward modernizing the island’s electric infrastructure.  The AMI system will collect more accurate, real-time and extensive data on network use and performance and perform much more sophisticated analysis of that data than is possible with the existing old meters.  The data gathering and analytical capabilities of AMI will enable the Company’s consulting engineers to develop a comprehensive master plan for renovating the infrastructure.  A master plan will enable the Company to arrange financing for the modernization over time.

AMI will also help in day-to-day operations, enabling the Company to respond faster to problems and to regularly optimize the network’s efficiency. Customers with AMI meters will be able to access their usage data remotely through a customer portal and thereby better manage their own energy usage.

Challenges & Solutions

The island’s electric infrastructure has two major challenges.  First, the electricity distribution network is inefficient and vulnerable due to aging components and because it operates with two transmission voltages.  Second, the expected growth in demand for power on the island will likely exceed, within the foreseeable future, the capacity of the submarine cable that transmits the island’s power from Groton Long Point.

The master plan will help determine which parts of the infrastructure to replace first and how.  It will also help planning for an additional submarine cable from Groton Long Point.  This will add capacity to ensure that Fishers Island Electric can supply 100% of the island’s power needs far into the future.

The additional submarine cable will enable conversion of the island to a single voltage as well as a reduction in transmission losses over the four miles from Groton.  It will include a fiber optic line, providing a more stable, durable and scalable broadband capacity than the present microwave link to the mainland.


The engineering study will also help determine the best way to incorporate renewable energy, into the island’s energy mix.  As an alternative source of power, a potential hedge against the cost of power from the New England grid, and as a mitigant to climate change, renewables must be part of long-term planning.

However, adapting and managing an electricity distribution network that is connected to customers with their own micro generation is technically more complex than operating an electric network with one source of power supply, as is currently the case for Fishers Island Electric.  Fortunately, the New England grid, which supplies Groton Utilities, currently obtains more than 50% of its power from carbon neutral sources.  It’s future power sources will include substantial amounts of offshore wind as it continues to de-carbonize.


The financing for installing the AMI will be spread out over time under the terms of a lease-to-buy financing.  The cost of the engineering study and master plan will be covered by retained earnings.  Over time, Fishers Island Electric will recover the costs of these investments through a system improvement charge to customers, as authorized by the Public Service Commission on September 16, 2022.

The costs of modernizing the infrastructure will be developed and budgeted as part of the master plan.  Fishers Island Electric will then be in a position to plan infrastructure improvements comprehensively and cost-effectively.

In addition to financing new infrastructure, Fishers Island Electric faces the challenge of redesigning its rate structure in order to achieve three goals.  First, the rate structure needs to ensure that the Company recovers its fixed operating costs.  This is not possible under the current rate structure without the supplemental revenue from electrical contracting work done by the Company.  The Company plans to file a rate case before the Public Service Commission to address the shortfall.

Second, the Company needs to maintain a rate structure that is fair to year-round residents since much of the of the infrastructure and associated operating costs are necessary mainly to service seasonal residents.

Third, if the Company is going to interconnect with customer-owned generation, the Public Service Commission will require first that a new tariff class is in place to ensure that those customers, while purchasing less commercial power, continue to pay their fair share of the fixed costs for the distribution network.  Typically, such customers continue to rely on the network infrastructure for power when their own generation is insufficient to meet their full electric loads.

Designing a fair rate structure that ensures revenues on an economically sustainable basis for the utility, yet passes the scrutiny of the consumer-oriented Public Service Commission, is a significant undertaking.  It involves analyzing power use patterns, projecting the costs of operating, modernizing and optimizing the electrical infrastructure, and forecasting demand for power over decades to come.  This process will be set in motion with AMI data and a master engineering plan.

Designing a rate structure also involves conducting a rate study which Fishers Island Electric will be undertaking with the help of a rates consulting firm. The study will be the basis for eventually filing a case before the Public Service Commission seeking approval for a new, sustainable and fair rate structure.

*   Fishers Island Electric Corporation is a New York corporation, regulated by the New York State Public Service Commission.  It is managed and 51% owned by Fishers Island Utility Company, Inc. and 49% owned by Fishers Island Development Corporation.

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Exciting FIUC News Fiber is coming!

Happy Holidays! Give the Gift that Keeps on Giving
High Speed Fiber To The Home!

Fishers Island Telephone has received tremendous support for the future of the Islands Internet!! We are almost there. Today, we need just 15 more first adopters to move this project forward! Can you think of a better gift to your household other than super-fast reliable fiber internet? The sign-up is fast and easy so even if you started the process and needed more time, now is the opportunity to become one of the first 50 adopters that will enjoy the benefits package of High-Speed Internet, telephone, and long distance for one special price. After the first 50 have been reached, these special benefits will expire. Sign up now to enjoy High Speed Fiber Internet!

Why Upgrade?

As you know, the Internet has become an essential service and the demand for faster speeds to support the growing number of devices is rising every year. Because the copper cable that is delivering your telephone and internet services today is approaching the end of its useful life, the Telephone company is preparing to launch a major construction project to upgrade the Island residents and businesses with state-of-the-art high speed fiber optic cable to the premise.

What are we hoping to learn from this survey?

With the EVERNET II project, we are strategically evaluating the zones with the highest demand for service where we will plan to engineer and construct our fiber network first. We are looking to identify 50 first adopters to begin the construction of the multi-year Fiber To The Home (FTTH) network project. The information that is collected will aid us in determining where to commence the deployment of this new high speed fiber network.

What can you do to help?

Registering your address and agreeing on a product, you will be one of the first to receive Fishers Island Telephone EVERNET II FTTH High Speed Internet Services.  It’s really that simple!

Once enough registrations have been expressed in a specific zone, we will begin the planning to expand our service network to your neighborhood. There are many resources required to bring a fiber-optic network to a neighborhood and Fishers Island Telephone will target the construction to follow the demand to deliver EVERNET II fiber to areas of the highest demand first.

Sign Up Today before the special pricing and benefits are gone.

Simply Click on the link below to get started on this exciting project!

Thank you for your continued support of Fishers Island Telephone Corporation.

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Give the Gift that Keeps on Giving – High Speed Fiber To The Home!

Give the Gift that Keeps on Giving – High Speed Fiber To The Home!

Happy Holidays!

Fishers Island Telephone has received tremendous support for the future of the Islands Internet!! We are almost there. Today, we need just 15 more first adopters to move this project forward! Can you think of a better gift to your household other than super-fast reliable fiber internet?   The sign-up is fast and easy so even if you started the process and needed more time, now is the opportunity to become one of the first 50 adopters that will enjoy the benefits package of High-Speed Internet, telephone, and long distance for one special price. After the first 50 have been reached, these special benefits will expire. Sign up now to enjoy High Speed Fiber Internet!

Why Upgrade?

As you know, the Internet has become an essential service and the demand for faster speeds to support the growing number of devices is rising every year. Because the copper cable that is delivering your telephone and internet services today is approaching the end of its useful life, the Telephone company is preparing to launch a major construction project to upgrade the Island residents and businesses with state-of-the-art high speed fiber optic cable to the premise.

What are we hoping to learn from your registration?

With the EVERNET II project, we are strategically evaluating the zones with the highest demand for service where we will plan to engineer and construct our fiber network first. We are looking to identify 50 first adopters to begin the construction of the multi-year Fiber To The Home (FTTH) network project. The information that is collected will aid us in determining where to commence the deployment of this new high speed fiber network.

What can you do to help?

Registering your address and agreeing on a product, you will be one of the first to receive Fishers Island Telephone EVERNET II FTTH High Speed Internet Services.  It’s really that simple!

Once enough registrations have been expressed in a specific zone, we will begin the planning to expand our service network to your neighborhood. There are many resources required to bring a fiber-optic network to a neighborhood and Fishers Island Telephone will target the construction to follow the demand to deliver EVERNET II fiber to areas of the highest demand first.

Sign up today to get started on this exciting project before the special pricing and benefits are gone!

Sign Up Today


 Thank you for your continued support of Fishers Island Telephone Corporation.

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