Archive for Utility News

Governor Cuomo’s proposed Broadband Fund

Moving the New New York Forward

10/23/2014, Governor Cuomo’s campaign released a 259 page blueprint  “Moving the New New York Forward” to outline the Governor’s  goals for a second term. Included in the document are discussions concerning the $2 billion school technology bond act and the proposed $500 million broadband fund (see attached beginning at Chapter 9 on Page 85).

Download PDF

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NEW OFFERING – PBX phone systems

1200796E1Concerning PBX Systems:

PBX stands for Private Branch Exchange, which is a private telephone network used within a company. Users of the PBX phone system share a number of outside lines for making external phone calls.

In a move to keep current with the latest technology and to better serve our customers, Fishers Island Telephone will no longer be offering or supporting Avaya Phone Systems, effective immediately. We will be offering and supporting the following PBX systems instead:

  1. The NEC SL2100
  2. The Adtran NetVanta 7100 IP PBX

The NEC product is a cost effective feature rich replacement for the outdated Avaya systems.

The Adtran NV7100 is not only a feature rich IP PBX but can also serve as a Router, Power over Ethernet Switch and Firewall. An all in one solution for your voice and data needs. This combined with Adtran branded Polycom VVX SIP Phones makes this a formidable and powerful phone data system.

For more information visit these links below or call us.  631-788-7001.
Adtran NetVanta 7100:  click here

NEC SL2100 Info sheet: click here

We are here to help!

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FI Telephone: Fort Project

Telephone-Fort-Project-Bryan-DSC_0023-660x330Chris Finan and Bryan Marteeny discuss the Utility Company’s Fort Project


Fishers Island Telephone Company, under the leadership of Plant Supervisor Bryan Marteeny, has embarked on what they refer to as the Fort Project. Once completed, the result will be improved Internet connectivity and clearer phone service, with each building having its own service drop.

To learn more about the project, visit: FI Telephone Fort Project

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2013 Drinking Water Quality Report


feature_faucetThis report is required to be delivered to all residents of our Water Company in compliance with Federal and State regulations with the exception of a monitoring violation that is discussed within. This report is designed to inform you about the quality water and services we deliver to you every day. Our constant goal is to provide you with a safe and dependable supply of drinking water. The Fishers Island Water Works Company and its employees are committed to ensuring that you and your family receive the highest quality water. Please note that the information presented in this report is based on 2014 data.

Download the 2014 Drinking Water Quality Report (PDF):

Download PDF



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FI Excavators and Contractors Must Contact 811 Prior to Digging or Excavation

NewYork-811By law, excavators and contractors working in Suffolk County must contact New York 811, at least 48 hours prior to beginning any mechanized digging or excavation work to ensure underground utility lines are marked.

Dial 811 on Fishers Island

or 1-800-272-4480

For safety reasons, homeowners are strongly encouraged to call as well.

Outline the area you plan to excavate with white paint.

Click here for more information.

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Suffolk County Septic Systems Inspections

suffolkInspect-webFormSeptic Systems Inspections from this point onward need to be requested from the Suffolk County Health Department directly.

Please call The Inspection Request Phone Line, 631-852-5754 to request an inspection.

  • When calling please remember to reference your permit number and give the date you will be ready for your inspection.
  • Inspections will be scheduled one week in advance and need to be held on a Monday or Friday due to travel restrictions.

You can also request and inspection using the online form at:

If you need further assistance or have any other questions please call 631-852-5700.

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Jeremy Doucette Attends Public Power Lineworkers Rodeo

Jeremy Doucette Attends Public Power Lineworkers Rodeo
The Fishers Island Utility Co. would like to commend Jeremy Doucette for his attendance and outstanding performance at the American Public Power Association’s 13th Annual Public Power Lineworkers Rodeo in March of this year.

The Rodeo is the ultimate venue for public power lineworkers to demonstrate their skill and knowledge. They compete with the nation’s best for professional recognition, attend training courses and practice essential skills in a safe environment. It is a unique opportunity to connect with and learn from the nationwide community of lineworker professionals.

Watch Event Video

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FI Telephone is Considering New Services

Fishers Island Telephone Corporation continues to look forward to new services that we can provide to our customers. We have created a page on this website to make you aware of the potential new offerings we are currently considering with links to learn more about them at:

Upcoming Service Offerings

We are also asking for your input to help us determine the best solutions for you. Please take some time to review the potential new offerings and then provide feedback using the online Feedback Form at:

New Technology Feedback Form

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