Fishers Island Electric Corporation Information for NY PSC CASE 20-M-0029

Request for billing information for a residential rental premises:

The Fishers Island Electric Corporation shall make available to any landlord or lessor of residential rental premises, information consisting of the charges incurred at such premises for electric service for the life of the dwelling unit or the preceding two-year period, whichever is shorter. This information will be furnished within ten days of receipt of a written request from any prospective tenant or lessee prior to the commencement of tenancy or execution of a lease. Such information shall be identified solely by the address of the dwelling unit, and no information identifying the owner, lessee, or other occupant of the dwelling unit shall be utilized or made available in connection with, the furnishing of billing information. Such information shall be furnished to both the landlord or lessor and to the prospective tenant or lessee without the imposition of any charge or fee.

If you require additional information please contact the utility company office 631-788-7251

Thank you, J. Chris Finan, President Fishers Island Utility Company