Archive for FI News

FI Water Works: Modernizing Our Water System

Press Release: July 28, 2017
Modernizing Our Water System

The Fishers Island Water Works Corporation continues to work on a comprehensive plan to modernize the island’s aging water infrastructure.

Phase 1 of the plan focuses on the adequacy of the island’s water sources. The first project in this phase was completed last fall with the renovation of our two wells. Those renovations significantly increased both the volume and quality of the water produced by those wells.

This year, we plan to restore a closed third well, known at the Church well, just off the road by the driving range. This work will begin in late July. If this well’s production rates and water quality prove viable, ground water from the three wells should be sufficient to supply the island at peak demand during the summer.  Water levels in Barlow Pond, our surface water reservoir, would then become less critical.

A new filtration plant for well water is also planned to handle the increase in well water volume, while meeting current and, we expect, more stringent water quality regulations in the future.

Phase 1 also includes the installation of water meters that can be read remotely and the renovation of a high-lift pump that maintains water pressure.

Later phases of the modernization plan encompass renovating or replacing the surface water treatment plant at Barlow Pond, adding water storage capacity and, over time, replacing parts of the island’s 22 miles of water mains and control valves. In combination with these improvements to water distribution and pressure, we plan to begin replacing the fire hydrants used by the Fire District.

To support these capital investments, we are applying to the New York State Public Service Commission for an increase in water rates. The application seeks to relieve a long-standing shortfall between our revenues and our rising operating expenses and capital needs.

Rates previously approved by the Commission have proved inadequate to sustain, on a seasonal customer base, a water system called upon to serve the island’s growing demand. Other markets along the New England coastline, also with seasonal populations, have rates from 47% to 138% higher than our current rates, as illustrated in the table below.

The table compares the annual cost of 3,000 gallons per month (annual total of 36,000 gallons), at the minimum rate, in several of those markets with our current minimum rate of $27.38 for 3,000 gallons.

Our proposed rates will remain below rates in these other markets. The table compares the annual cost of 3,000 gallons per month (annual total of 36,000 gallons), at the minimum rate, in several of those markets with our proposed minimum rate of $36.57 for 3,000 gallons.

Securing the fresh water supply for our Fishers Island community is our primary mission and responsibility. The remarkable dedication and professionalism of water superintendent, Chad Mrowka, and his crew, together with the work of hydrology engineers and other consultants, have produced an infrastructure development plan that is timely and well thought out. We are confident that our proposed rates are an essential next step to supporting the water needs of the island now and for the future.

A public notice with more detail on our rate application to the Commission will be issued shortly.

For more information, visit us on the web at

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FI Utility publishes Water Quality Report for 2016


This report is required to be delivered to all residents of our Water Company in compliance with Federal and State regulations with the exception of manganese and a monitoring violation that is discussed within. This report is designed to inform you about the quality water and services we deliver to you every day. Our constant goal is to provide you with a safe and dependable supply of drinking water. The Fishers Island Water Works Company and its employees are committed to ensuring that you and your family receive the highest quality water. Please note that the information presented in this report is based on 2016 data. Click Water Quality Report below to reach the Utility website or the button for a printable version of the report.

Water Quality Report

Printable Water Quality Report 2016

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Tidal Power Feasibility Study Grant Application


On May 15, 2015, the Fishers Island Electric Company filed a proposal with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority for a grant to fund a Phase 1 Feasibility Assessment of tidal power generation around Fishers Island, particularly in The Race. NYSERDA, in partnership with the Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery, is running the NY Prize Community Grid Competition, seeking proposals to develop “microgrids” — local community electrical generation and distribution systems that are resilient in normal operating conditions and during times of electrical grid outages such as hurricanes and winter storms.

The proposed study would assess the technical and economic viability of incorporating tidal energy generation and storage as a clean and predictable electric power source for the island that can operate in both a “grid-connected mode”, sending surplus power off-island, and in “island mode”, powering the island.

The proposal was put together with the help of ORPC Solutions, which has completed similar tidal energy feasibility assessments in Maine and Alaska. It is a subsidiary of Ocean Renewable Power Company LLC, a global leader in hydrokenetic power system technology and project development. The proposal team includes Princeton Power Systems, experts in microgrids, and the University of Connecticut’s Marine Science Program. Frank Bohlen, a life long member of the Fishers Island community and a Professor of Marine Sciences, was key to facilitating UConn’s involvement.

Against a tight deadline, many others from the community helped by providing letters of support for a feasibility study, including the Island Community Board, the Board of Education and Fishers Island School, the Ferry District, the Waste Management District, the Island Health Project, the Fishers Island Conservancy, Fishers Island Development Corporation, Race Rock Garden Co, the Beach Plum and Connecticut Municipal Electric Energy Cooperative, which sources power for Groton Utilities, the island’s main power provider.  Louisa Evans helped get letters of support from Scott Russell, the Town Supervisor for Southold, Al Krupiski, a Suffolk County Legislator, and Anthony Palumbo, New York Assemblyman for the 1st District.

Winning proposals are to be announced by July 1, 2015.


Posted in: eFogHorn, Environment, FI News, Island Services, Utility Co

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FI Telephone: Fort Project

Chris Finan and Bryan Marteeny discuss the Utility Company's Fort Project
Chris Finan and Bryan Marteeny discuss the Utility Company’s Fort Project

Fishers Island Telephone Company, under the leadership of Plant Supervisor Bryan Marteeny, has embarked on what they refer to as the Fort Project. Once completed, the result will be improved Internet connectivity and clearer phone service, with each building having its own service drop.

In June 2014 the company began preparing to improve the DSL in the Fort Wright neighborhood residences and nearby businesses. The work to survey line layouts, make notes, locate and inspect the existing lines, map the area, audit phone connection, and speak with individuals and business owners about their current service and future needs is nearly complete.

To date the Fort area has relied on lead cable lines to deliver phone and Internet service, some dating back to the Fort Wright days – long before anyone had heard of the Internet. Many of these lead cables run from manhole to manhole down the back road behind the houses on Whistler Avenue, and beyond.

The next step in the project this fall focuses on replacing the lead cable with modern PIC (polyurethane insulation cable) that carries 100 pairs of wires and will service customers individually. The PIC cable is superior for carrying DSL.

PIC installation will be coupled with visits to each NID (network interface device), the gray phone connection box for each property – and the location from where everything is serviced. These NID visits will involve examining the property’s current systems, replacing or reusing the box (depending on its age and condition), and re-grounding – which takes electric ‘noise’ off the system and protects against lightening strike interruptions. The NID will also be moved to an exterior building wall if appropriate for servicing.

Fishers Island Telephone Company will notify customers of any upcoming service interruption, which may be necessary for short periods of time, as the PIC replacement work progresses and DSL service is moved to the new cable.

End result: A modernized cable plant capable of supporting today’s high speed technology.

Please direct any questions to Bryan Marteeny at

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FI Utility Company 2013 Drinking Water Quality Report

This report is required to be delivered to all residents of our Water Company in compliance with Federal and State regulations with the exception of a monitoring violation that is discussed within. This report is designed to inform you about the quality water and services we deliver to you every day. Our constant goal is to provide you with a safe and dependable supply of drinking water. The Fishers Island Water Works Company and its employees are committed to ensuring that you and your family receive the highest quality water. Please note that the information presented in this report is based on 2013 data.

Posted in: Bulletin Board, eFogHorn, Environment, FI News, Island Services, Utility Co

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