Fishers Island Water Works has updated this website to inform people about upcoming regulations, surveys and cross connection control. The page linked below contains two surveys to help gather information pertaining to the customers responsibilities with cross connection control and to aid in the completion of the Service Line Inventory, detailed by the new Lead
Press release: For immediate release Fishers Island Electric Corporation Solar Economics By Tom Siebens, Director September 28, 2023 Context Fishers Island Electric Corporation (“FIEC”)* has recently made a filing with the New York Public Service Commission (the “PSC”) as required to allow FIEC to interconnect with the island’s electricity distribution network a rooftop solar facility
FIUC crews will be ready in the event of a power outage. We will do our best to restore power as soon as possible while keeping our employees safe.
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Tariff Filing by FI Electric Corporation to Modify its Electric Tariff Schedule
There is an issue with Long Distance calls from Fishers Island subscribers completing some long distance calls using the AT&T Long Distance Network. Subscribers signed up and receive their bills directly from AT&T, customers need to contact AT&T Customer Service at 1-800-288-2020, with your account number ready, and open a trouble ticket. Calls are being sent