Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Lead and Copper Rule Revision (LCRR) Compliance FAQ
Lead and Copper Rule Regulation (LCR) and Compliance
The EPA’s 1991 Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) added corrosion control systems to regulate the amount of lead and copper getting into drinking water system country wide It was modified in 2000 and again in 2007 to include revised requirements on demonstrating optimal corrosion control, monitoring, reporting, treatment processes, public education, customer awareness, and lead service line replacement. The minimum annual testing requirements and compliance with Federal rules are oversaw by each State’s regional Departments of Health. Fishers Island Water Works Corp (FIWW) reports to The Suffolk County NYS Department of Health (SCDOH). Annually FIWW is provided with SCDOH minimum testing requirements for the following year.
A copy of FIWW Annual Water Quality Report results can be viewed in our office located at 161 Oriental Ave, Fishers Island, NY or on this website:
Changes for 2024
The LCRR (lead and copper rule revision) is the single largest revision of the LCR since 1991. The first change coming into effect is to make the public aware of any lead in our distribution system. This is going to require us to create a complete service line inventory detailing all service materials used between the water main and entry to your home. On December 16th 2021, the EPA finalized the revisions of the LCR giving a final compliance date for the Service Line Inventory on October 16th 2024. However please remember that your internal plumbing is not part of this inventory.
If you would like to have an inspection conducted by Fishers Island Water Works, please contact us. The inventory data we have collected is freely available through a request to the water department as well. ([email protected] is a good way to reach out)
FIWW System
On Fishers Island, lead service pipes have never been installed. However, water services installed prior to 1958 used an 18” long lead gooseneck connecting the water main to the water service. Our current policy is to remove Lead goosenecks when any customer replaces their water service or when lead is exposed for any other reason (main break, etc.), but many homes built before 1958 have never replaced their water service and might still have lead goosenecks present. The service materials used during this time were either iron pipe, brass, or copper. Copper pipes installed prior to the SDWA Lead Ban (1986) most likely used lead-based solder. Lead is also found in many brass fixtures cast prior to the clean drinking water act or cast outside of the USA.
System Protection and Monitoring
Fishers Island Water Works corrosion control treatment and our sampling regiment protects our water from lead leaching. Corrosion control is accomplished by adjusting the pH with soda ash and adding a sequestering agent called Aqua Mag. The Aqua Mag gives an added layer of protection from any lead plumbing in your home.
For more information about Aqua Mag, please see the following link:
Our sampling requirements dictate that we must collect 5 samples from the distribution system that have the highest likelihood to contain lead. These samples must be collected between June 1st and September 30th and sent to a New York licensed laboratory and submitted to the Suffolk County Department of Health for review.
What can I do if I believe my home plumbing contains lead?
If you believe your home plumbing or water service has any lead present, there are a few things that can be done to protect you and your health.
- Flush all water out of your lines before use, especially after periods of stagnation.
- Install a point of use filter.
- Replace any plumbing containing lead.
How can I find out if my home plumbing contains lead?
If you are unsure about lead in your home, here is an EPA link with instructions on how to test your service material:
Want more information?
If you have any further concerns, or would like your water tested, please contact the water company to arrange for a sample to be collected. Note: there will be a charge from the lab that the customer will be responsible for.
An excellent resource from the EPA for reducing lead exposure from all sources is linked below:
Service Line Inventory.