By Tom Siebens* February 1, 2025 The Break On Christmas Eve, at around 5:00 p.m., the entire West End of Fishers Island lost water service due to a break in the trunk main that supplies water from the island’s reservoir at Top-of-the-World on the East End. It was our biggest main break ever. An aging
Flushing begins on Monday, October 7th and is scheduled to conclude Friday, November 15th
NYSPSC seeks comment on Fishers Island Water Works petition to establish a surcharge for recovering the costs of a water main installation on The Gloaming. Comments are due June 24. The Title of Matter/Case: Petition of Fishers Island Water Works Corporation to Establish a Surcharge to Recover Cost of Line Upgrade Off of The Gloaming.
Fishers Island Water Works has updated this website to inform people about upcoming regulations, surveys and cross connection control. The page linked below contains two surveys to help gather information pertaining to the customers responsibilities with cross connection control and to aid in the completion of the Service Line Inventory, detailed by the new Lead
Despite the effort required, Fishers Island Water Works views a potential WIFA loan as an opportunity worth pursuing.
NYPIRG offers drinking water profiles of the state’s water systems to educate New Yorkers about the state of their drinking water and the presence of contaminants found through laboratory testing
The Water Company is planning a major renovation of the water distribution system.
January 27, 2020 The Challenge The water distribution system on Fishers Island — it’s 22 miles of water mains, control valves and 148 hydrants – needs major renovation. Most of the system’s cast iron pipes are between 100 and 120 years old and increasingly at risk of collapse due to corrosive processes in buried iron
"They are unique ecosystems, offering great habitat for aquatic, terrestrial and even marine organisms."
To review a copy of Fishers Island Water Works 2018 Quality Report click on the link below.