Special Instructions for a Nuclear Plant Emergency

Watch or Listen to the Emergency Alert System (EAS) on your local TV or Radio Stations for emergency instructions.

If Advised to TAKE SHELTER

  • Keep family and pets indoors.
  • Close all windows, doors and fireplace dampers.
  • Turn off devices that draw outside air.

If Advised to EVACUATE

  • Lock up house, office, etc. Close all windows, doors and fireplace dampers or other devices that draw outside air.
  • Secure pets indoors with food and water. If pets are allowed to evacuate with the general public, they must be secured in a carrier or otherwise restrained for safety. See “Pet Emergency kit” under “What to Bring”.
  • Follow EAS instructions
  • Transportation will be provided from the docks to the Windham High School Reception Center.
  • Potassium Iodide (KI) will be provided by local Emergency Management Officials. KI will also be available at Windham High School.  DO NOT give KI to your pets.  Consult your vet for proper dosing.

What to Bring

(Only Necessities)

  • Medications
  • Cash/Credit Cards/Checkbook
  • Clothes
  • Toiletries/Baby Supplies
  • Pet Emergency Kit: leash, carrier, restraint, medical/veterinary records, ID tags attached to your pet, food, water, litter and litter box, toys and a current photo of you and your pet.

Preparedness Resources

State of CT Radiological Emergency Preparedness: Radiological Emergency Preparedness

Dominion Energy Millstone: Millstone Preparedness

CT State Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security

If You Have Functional Needs

If you or someone you know has special needs, including physical or transportation needs, please register annually with the Fishers Island Emergency Management Office at


Information will be kept confidential.

Millstone Neighbors Guide 2024

This booklet is Connecticut’s nuclear power plant emergency preparedness guide for the general public. It contains information about nuclear power plants and specific emergency planning information for Millstone Power Station owned by Dominion Energy Nuclear Connecticut, Inc., located in Waterford. This guide is produced in coordination with DESPP/DEMHS’s Radiological Emergency Preparedness Unit and Dominion Energy.

Millstone Informational Brochure 2024

This is a public service message from the CT Departments of Emergency Services & Public Protection (DESPP) and Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP)