Hurricane Watch
Hurricane conditions pose a possible threat to your area.
Hurricane Warning
Hurricane Conditions are expected in your area within 24 hours.
When your area receives a hurricane warning:
- Leave low-lying areas.
- Moore your boat securely or remove it from water.
- Protect your windows with boards, shutters or tape.
- Secure outdoor objects or bring them indoors.
- Fuel your car.
- Save several days’ water supply.
- Stay at home if it is sturdy and on high ground.
- Stay indoors during the hurricane.
For the latest storm-related information
Remember: Latest storm-related information will be available on NOAA weather radio and commercial radio and television. Do not tie up telphone lines by calling local officials.
If an emergency situation arises where sheltering is called for, the Fishers Island School has been deemed a certified Red Cross Shelter. All workers, both managers and staff are Red Cross trained and certified. When the shelter is open, it is important to remember the following:
- No pets – the shelter is for people only. Consult your vet for proper handling.
- Bring items of necessity – medication, change of clothes, toiletries, etc.
- Bedding – pillows, blankets, sleeping bags.
- Items for small children – diapers, formulas, other supplies.
- Recreational items – these are helpful in passing the time, but should be small for ease of carrying. Remember the shelter is a shared environment, no activities should infringe on others’ rights.
- Food – the shelter will only provide food if the shelter is open more than ten (10) hours. Individuals and families should provide food to last the first ten hours.
Enter the June-November season prepared:
- Window Coverings
- Tools
- Batteries
- Non-perishable Foods
- Prescription Medications
- Waterproof Document Case
- Other emergency equipment