The Fishers Island Electric Corporation provides electricity to 914 meters for Fishers Island residents and businesses. We perform maintenance service and repairs of the electricity distribution system including 383 distribution transformers, 5.6 circuit miles of armored submarine type bulk supply cables, and approximately 9 circuit miles of overhead and underground distribution cables.
The Island is served power via two under-water submarine distribution cables
The newer submarine cable, manufactured by Kerite Company and installed on April 11,1989, consists of a single three conductor, 4/0 AWG copper conductor, 15kV, 133% HTK insulated with copper tape shield, cabled polyethylene jacketed, and steel armored cable. The cable is approximately 15,500 feet in length with 300 feet on land in Groton, and 150 feet on land in Fishers Island. The cable is in use at all times, and it has a maximum continuous full load current of 261 amperes (3,200 kW).2
The older of the two submarine cables was installed by Simplex Wire and Cable in late 1967. The cable is three conductor #2/0 Stranded, VSP (Voltage Stabilized Polyethylene Insulated), Shielded Galvanized Steel Armored, 15kV ungrounded (133% insulated) with a total installed length of 14,500 feet. This cable is rated for a continuous full load current of 175 amperes (2,200 kW). This cable is back energized from the Crescent Avenue Substation on Fishers Island and is used as a stand by emergency cable.
Both cables have had an excellent reliability rate with no known internal failures. The older cable was damaged on September 21, 1974 by a barge and was taken out of service and subsequently repaired.
Connecticut Municipal Electric Energy Cooperative (“CMEEC”) generation plant
The recent addition of the the Diesel Generator is an example of the board’s forward thinking. Although it is not owned by Fishers Island Electric Corporation, it benefits the Island long term. The system can operate during peak demand of Groton Utilities in “Peak Shaving Mode” to counteract the negative effects of the spot market on FIEC power costs. Increases in FIEC’s power costs and the purchase power adjustment during times of peak demand will be less.
The System can also be run in “Island Mode” in the event of an emergency power outage from Groton Utilities. The Generation system is more than capable of generating all of the Islands power needs.