Update on AMI & Engineering Study, Challenges & Solutions, Renewables, and Economics
Despite the effort required, Fishers Island Water Works views a potential WIFA loan as an opportunity worth pursuing.
Electric Company fully supports renewable generation as an objective.
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NYPIRG offers drinking water profiles of the state’s water systems to educate New Yorkers about the state of their drinking water and the presence of contaminants found through laboratory testing
The Water Company is planning a major renovation of the water distribution system.
"They are unique ecosystems, offering great habitat for aquatic, terrestrial and even marine organisms."
To review a copy of Fishers Island Water Works 2018 Quality Report click on the link below.
FITC CommPortal Web is an advanced web-based interface which allows you to view and manage the configuration of your FITC telephone service from your computer or tablet, from anywhere.
"To start the process of restoring the health of the pond, we are placing it off limits to the public." FI Water Works