Archive for Awareness & Safety

Surveys for Fishers Island Water Works

Fishers Island Water Works has updated this webpage to inform people about upcoming regulations, surveys and cross connection control. The page linked below contains two surveys to help gather information pertaining to the customers responsibilities with cross connection control and to aid in the completion of the Service Line Inventory, detailed by the new Lead and Copper Rule Revision.


Cross Connection Control

Lead and Copper Rule Revision

Posted in: Awareness & Safety, Forms & Downloads, Utility Co, Utility News

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FI Excavators and Contractors Must Contact 811 Prior to Digging or Excavation

NewYork-811By law, excavators and contractors working in Suffolk County must contact New York 811, at least 48 hours prior to beginning any mechanized digging or excavation work to ensure underground utility lines are marked.

Dial 811 on Fishers Island

or 1-800-272-4480

For safety reasons, homeowners are strongly encouraged to call as well.

Outline the area you plan to excavate with white paint.

Click here for more information.

Posted in: Awareness & Safety, Utility News

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June is National Safety Month

In an effort to improve safety and reduce unintentional injuries and death, the National Safety Council is encouraging us all to focus on awareness and prevention this month. Their 2013 “Safety starts with me” campaign offers informational facts and steps we can take to reduce the risks in our own homes and our lives.

The theme for the 1st week of June is: Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls

Download the National Safety Council “Falls Fact Sheet” (PDF):

NSC Falls Facts

Then, for fun, download and try the crossword puzzle to quiz yourself:

NSC Falls Crossword

Also, learn more ways you can “Fall Proof” your home:

NSC Fall Proofing Your Home

To learn more about this campaign and the National Safety Council’s efforts to improve safety in the home, on the road and in the workplace, please visit:

Posted in: Awareness & Safety

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