Despite the effort required, Fishers Island Water Works views a potential WIFA loan as an opportunity worth pursuing.
Electric Company fully supports renewable generation as an objective.
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The Water Company is planning a major renovation of the water distribution system.
January 27, 2020 The Challenge The water distribution system on Fishers Island — it’s 22 miles of water mains, control valves and 148 hydrants – needs major renovation. Most of the system’s cast iron pipes are between 100 and 120 years old and increasingly at risk of collapse due to corrosive processes in buried iron
"They are unique ecosystems, offering great habitat for aquatic, terrestrial and even marine organisms."
To review a copy of Fishers Island Water Works 2018 Quality Report click on the link below.
"To start the process of restoring the health of the pond, we are placing it off limits to the public." FI Water Works
Restoring Middle Farms Pond FISHERS ISLAND WATER WORKS CORPORATION October 22, 2017 Middle Farms Pond has become contaminated with elevated levels of nitrates, turbidity, bacteria and algae. Although the causes are not yet clear, human activities, including potential septic leeching and fertilizer run-off, as well as boating, fishing and swimming are all potential contributing factors.
Securing the fresh water supply for our Fishers Island community is our primary mission and responsibility.